Having an online shop brings a lot of advantages to sellers and shoppers nowadays. With just a click of a button, you can purchase anything available on the site without going to a brick and mortar store.

But having the site alone is not enough to generate leads. As an owner of an e-commerce site, you must incorporate these key elements to ensure that your site’s usability is at its best.


  1. Catchy Call To Action Buttons

Call to action buttons are very important since it is a doorway to sales. Once the user clicked your CTA button, they will be led immediately to the sales funnel which is why it is essential that this button should stand out from the rest of the elements. Pick a color that is in contrast with theme of your site. As much as possible, the font and the shape of the button should be visible enough for the site visitors.


  1. Leave a Clear Trail of Breadcrumbs

For those who are still not acquainted with this feature, breadcrumbs are navigation aids that show the user the roadmap of the pages they visited. It can also help the user identify the hierarchy of your site’s pages. With a clear breadcrumb, site visitors can easily go back to the pages they visited without the hassle of looking for it on the sitemap.


  1. Include Wishlist Function

Give your site visitors an option and flexibility to purchase products in their own sweet time. Having an Add to Cart or Add to Wishlist function will definitely save users time finding the products they stumbled upon last time they visited the site.


  1. Go for Related Products/Suggestions

Make an upsell by putting related products on your products page. It will also give users the option to look and shop for other brands.


  1. Do not forget the testimonials

What your loyal patrons say can increase your online sales. Put a review on the testimonial section of your page. Some online sellers are not keen on putting testimonials as bad reviews might ruin the site’s credibility and reputation. But having one can also be an advantage since loyal followers can testify to your product’s authenticity. Talk about free advertising!


  1. Provide High Quality Product Images

Visuals make the site come alive. Avoid putting low quality product photos on your online store. Low quality photos will make your products look bad and cheap. Get a professional photographer to take photos of your products. If you are getting supplies from a supplier, ask them for high resolution photos.


  1. Appealing Product Descriptions

Aside from awesome photos, it is also important to have on-point product descriptions. General product descriptions do not sit well with users, especially those who are buying tech products and gadgets. Provide detailed descriptions of each product.


  1. Put Social Media Icons

Widen the reach of your products by allowing your users to share them on their social media accounts. Aside from sharing, it can be a way for consumers to reach out to you.


  1. Go for Live Chat Functions

Provide real-time customer service by putting a live chat function on the site. You can answer your customers question quickly and you can use it to make an upsell.

Remember that your online store is your calling card to your customers. And by providing them the best user experience, you can be sure that you can gain followers that can impact your online sales.